1.1 加班的“艺术”
Q: Why did the employee bring a ladder to work?
A: Because he heard it was "time to climb the corporate ladder"!
这个笑话巧妙地运用了“climb the corporate ladder”(在职场上晋升)这一英语短语,将实际的梯子与职场晋升的隐喻相结合,让人在会心一笑中体会到职场竞争的艰辛与无奈。
1.2 老板的“智慧”
The boss called an employee into his office and said, "I've noticed you've been coming in late every day. What's the problem?"
The employee replied, "I'm trying to get more done in the morning, sir."
The boss asked, "And how's that working out for you?"
The employee said, "I'm getting more sleep!"
2.1 堵车的“哲学”
Why did the traffic jam bring a book to read?
Because it wanted to pass the "time" more quickly!
这个笑话利用“pass the time”(消磨时间)这一短语,将堵车这一城市生活中的常见烦恼转化为一种幽默的“阅读时光”,让人在无奈中寻找到一丝乐趣。
2.2 公交车的“惊喜”
A man got on a bus and found an empty seat next to a beautiful woman. He asked her, "Is this seat taken?"
She replied, "No, but it's for my dog."
The man said, "Well, I don't see any dog."
She said, "That's because he's sitting in your lap!"
3.1 聚会的“尴尬”
At a party, one guest asked another, "So, what do you do for a living?"
The other replied, "I'm a professional guest at parties."
The first guest asked, "Really? How do you make a living doing that?"
The second guest said, "By not staying too long at any one party!"
3.2 微信的“误会”
A man sent a text to his friend: "I just met a girl and she's really hot. I'm going to take her home."
His friend replied, "Be careful. She might be a minor."
The man texted back, "No, she's not a miner. She's a model!"
4.1 购物的“奇遇”
A woman went shopping and found a dress she loved. She asked the salesclerk, "Do you have this dress in a larger size?"
The salesclerk replied, "Madam, this dress is already stretched to its limits!"
4.2 健身的“动力”
A man was walking by a gym and saw a sign that said, "Lose 10 pounds in one week!"
He went inside and asked the trainer, "How do you do that?"
The trainer replied, "We weigh you and then take 10 pounds off the scale!"